Glimpses of A Groom Speech I Prepared for Myself

When I met Amanda, I knew she was the one for me. Although, when we met, she was afraid of everything. She had a bad childhood and experienced things that no one should ever have to. But watching her grow into a strong and confident woman has made me fall even deeper in love with her.

Now thinking of our upcoming nuptials. I have to prepare myself for the groom's wedding speech. I want to make sure and thank all the guests that helped make this day so special. Therefore, to start out, I think I will thank her father, for not only the speech he will be giving, but for also welcoming me into his family with open arms.

When I first met Amanda's father, he was overprotective, which is expected and I respected him for that. After I worked very hard to prove myself to him. He then welcomed me with open arms, and his heart as well. I want him to know that he should be proud of what a wonderful person his daughter has turned out to be and that I am very grateful to have met her and have them both in my life.

Following this, I will also thank Amanda's mother for if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't even be here. She gave birth to the woman of my dreams and I will forever be in her depth for that. I want everyone close to my future wife, as well as myself to know, just how truly blessed I am to be sharing this day with them.

Next, I will turn my attention to my best man. He has been my best friend since grade school and without his wisdom and friendship I probably wouldn't be the man I am today. There are many memories I can think back on to include in my groom speech but only a few that stick out above the rest and those are the ones I'm going to use.

Now, I can picture myself looking at my wife, with her eyes shining from the haziness, of her joyous tears. I know she is going to look radiant but I also want her to know it as well. Therefore, I will turn to my wife and tell her how stunning she looks and how lucky I am to be wearing her ring. I want to make sure she is fully aware of how she has impacted my life and made it whole. I want her to look back on this day, and remember my words and all the feelings I put into them.

The groom speech is a very important part of a wedding ceremony. Therefore, if you are a groom struggling with how to prepare for your own speech, just remember this. Be sure to thank everyone for their help along the way, and by all mean thank the father of the bride for delivering his daughter into your arms. Don't leave anyone out, and just relax and be yourself. Then turn to your new bride and make her know how beautiful she looks and how blessed you are to have her.

The Making of An Appropriate Groom Speech

Weddings are a big deal to almost everybody and when it comes to the art of writing wedding speeches, many people fall short of what's expected by family and friends. Generally, it's harder for men than it is for women to express their emotions clearly especially when addressing a gathering. A combination of social stigmas (men who show emotion are seen as 'feminine') and gender roles prevent many men from developing good emotional skills. So when it comes to writing a groom speech, many grooms may be at a loss.

The best man's speech, in comparison, is usually easier for men to write because it involves the groom's best man talking about all the good aspects of his best friend. The best man cracks a couple of jokes and talks about how good of a friend the groom has been to him over the years. But groom speeches need to be focused on why the groom wants to spend his life with the bride for the rest of his life. Why is the woman he is going to marry so different from the rest; why is she his soul mate?

One thing a groom speech should include is a story of how the bride and groom met. What was their first encounter? Paint a picture for the family and friends. The groom must re-live the moment with the bride, bring up the emotions they first felt. Groom speeches should also talk about some memorable moments the groom spent with his bride; what are some things that happened that made him fall more in love with the bride? The groom could even talk about his very first meeting with the bride's father - it's a good opportunity to add some humor to the speech, which is a key factor in making successful speeches.

People are good at emphasizing. The groom should not be afraid to show emotion. The groom speech should talk about some of the hardship the bride and groom went through. How did they help each other pull through the tough times? A little humor is good for a groom speech. The speech should throw some funny anecdotes. For example, what was it like when the two families first met? Did everyone get along? Were there any mishaps? The speech should share the good moments as well as the bad.

Some things that the groom could add are plans and dreams that they've made together. Where have they talked of going on vacation? Where would they like to live? Do they want to rent an apartment or buy a house? The groom's speech should focus on the good things that the newly married couple will accomplish together.

Groom Speech Lines You Can Use In Your Speech

When the groom makes a great speech at a rehearsal dinner or wedding reception, it can be a high point of the wedding day. There are several tricks to doing this well. First, groom speeches must strike a balance between being personal and loving and being too emotional or revealing. The speech needs to be organized and have some solid content. And the groom needs to remember the listeners - a good speech is a gift to them.

Here in this article I would like to share with you a few good groom speech lines (or comments or phrases ... whatever you might like to call them) that you can all use in your groom speeches. Wait a minute, remember to change them a bit to suit your personality and style. And by the way, I don't want all my readers ending up giving groom speeches that have exactly the same words and phrases discussed here. That would be quite funny.

Simply said the groom speech or toast needs a beginning, middle and end. The beginning needs to grab attention and set a tone. It can be a simple, summarizing statement, a joke, the promise of a story, an elegant statement of purpose or an engaging question. Examples include, "What a great joy to be here with one another," "What a surprise to be here this day," and "You have come to share this day with me and (name of bride) and my heart is (or ‘I am’) very, very thankful." If the content of the speech, or the theme of the wedding, uses a metaphor or famous tale, capitalize on that right from the start. Examples might be, "In this moment we are companions on the Yellow Brick Road," ("The Wizard of Oz") "I feel like a young Jedi Knight in the Throne Room scene," ("Star Wars, A New Hope") or, "Why are we here? Tradition!" ("Fiddler on the Roof"). The middle of the groom speech picks up from this beginning. Leaning on a famous story, like the examples above, can be very engaging: Be sure to be consistent with the story, though. In speaking about thanks, or joy, or surprise explain why in two or three points. Make any stories that are told in this middle section suitable for all listeners, and never embarrass anyone by being too off-color, rude, or revealing.

Groom speeches need to have a zippy ending. Make it flow from the content of the speech and use it to pay tribute to others. While the groom may pay particular tribute to the bride, friends and family, a salute to something everyone can connect with makes a fabulous concluding statement. The tone of this kind of conclusion is, "Thank you all so much for sending (name of bride) into our futures with your love. We salute all of you and assure you of our lasting love and friendship for years to come."

Well, I hope you have got some food for thought. Now it's time for you to work with your groom speech and make it really exceptional.

How Groom Speech Templates Can Help You Create Your Groom Speech

Groom speech templates, can be very useful. Let's face it, with all the planning the groom, has to do, he doesn't really have the time, to prepare a carefully thought out speech. He has to help the bride pick the colors, fit for his tuxedo, agree on a cake, and most importantly, take part in the bachelor party. Plus, work his day job, in between time. Therefore, he is very stressed, and understandably so.

Templates are a helpful solution to helping the groom prepare for his speech. They offer ideas to give him a better idea on how he would like to deliver the speech. The worst part of the speech delivery process, is getting started. Since, the groom doesn't have the time to sit down and think of what to say, templates can help. They come in many different genre's, regardless, of what type of personality, you may have.

If you're more of a character, then perhaps, a humorous groom template would help you? If you're the romantic type, then a sincere groom speech template would suit you better? Finally, if you're kind of stuck in the middle, try the traditional groom wedding template. Templates, can help in all areas. You may also want to combine templates, and mix it up a bit. That's a possibility as well.

However, keep in mid that you can also customize the template, and make your speech everything you wanted and more. Perhaps, a template could just give you an idea, on how you would like your groom speech to be. Whether you are simply rushed for time, or just can't find the energy to put your own speech together, templates are an excellent choice to make sure you deliver your groom speech as wonderfully as you can.

There are many useful websites and links, that can provide you with the information you need on getting the template to help. In my opinion, groom speeches are the hardest one's to prepare foe, so don't let the stress get you down. There have been many groom's that have used templates, and been praised for giving such a wonderful speech.

I know even finding the time to sit down, in front of a computer, during this time is hard, but it would be well worth it. Do what many people in your same situation have done, and surf the net, until you find exactly what you are looking for.You'll be amazed with just how much a groom speech template can help, and with the resources available, you will deliver that speech, you are stressing about. Now, you can take a deep breath, and relax, because groom speech templates, are the answer you have been looking for.

They range from fill in the blanks, to fully written out speeches. Although I recommend, customizing the fill in the blanks, just to make it more personal. They are extremely easy to use, and take a huge weight off your shoulders. At a time like this, you don't need anything else to stress about. Go get your own groom speech template.

Groom Speeches Don't Have to Be Boring - Make Your Groom Speech Delightful

An estimated 75% of all people have a fear of speaking in public, and one can imagine that this number is much higher among grooms giving the customary groom speech on their wedding days. This is a time-honored tradition where the groom speaks to the future of he and his partner, and of the family and friends that have supported him. Here are some important guidelines to follow if you know someone who is (or are going to be) in that position soon:

Use a bit of humor! Wedding speeches underline the joy of marriage and eager anticipation of the future, so they do often lend themselves well to humor. And groom speeches shouldn't be any different. A gentle poke at your best man or someone close to you can endear your audience to you and make the speech a little easier to give. Laughter naturally releases tension from the body, and you can bet that you'll probably be stiff as a board up there, so try to make the others, and yourself, laugh a bit. It'll make the process a little bit easier and a lot more fun.

Give credit where credit is due! Your partner's parents for allowing them to take their child's hand in marriage is a popular and due subject for the subject of a speech like this. You should also be sure to thank your friends, family, the caterers, and whoever else you can think of to thank. Remember, everybody there has had a hand in making your big day what it is, so don't leave anyone out of the groom speech.

Give it from the heart! This is your wedding day, and you are going to be bonded to your love for the rest of your life! Pour your heart into this. Hold nothing back; show your audience and your partner how you feel. If you write from your heart, you'll leave a strong impression that they will never forget. This is your second greatest opportunity to express your feelings and gratitude outside of maybe the exchange of your vows. Don't forget to practice so that you can keep your composure during your delivery.

Remember, above all else, you are in the company of people you love, and of people that love you, so don't worry about being judged for what you say. These are people you don't have to be afraid of. Just make sure your tie is on straight and your cummerbund is on good and tight.

Follow these guidelines and you'll deliver a groom speech to remember. Take yourself out of that frightened 75% I mentioned at the beginning of the article, because you've got this! Have fun, and congratulations!

How to Make A Good, Decent Groom Speech

So the big day is approaching and you need some good material that is going to impress your guests. Not good with this kind of thing? That's okay. Just follow this simple guide and you will have an impressive groom speech.

First thing is to list all the things you love about your wife-to-be. Remember, this is just a brainstormed list, so absolutely anything will do. You're going to weed out the big stuff later. Just try to get more than ten items on the list. After you have your list, go through and pick out the five things you would rank highest. Now, list them in descending order, so that the first item is the least of the five - we want to end strong.

Now that you have these five items, spread them out on a full blank page with room to write a few sentences on each. Again, don't worry about being perfect, as this too is just a brainstorm list. What you want to focus on is each item individually. Ask yourself some simple questions for inspiration. When did you discover this attribute? Why is it important to you? Does it have anything to do with any of her family members (good groom speeches include them, especially her Dad)? Go through and do this with all of the five attributes you listed, along with any other information you can think of. Once this is done, go through and cross out the items that you don't want in the speech.

Groom speeches are supposed to be somewhat corny, so don't remove things because you think it demeans your manhood. You want those items in there. Now you have a basic outline of your speech and what remains is putting it all together. Get yourself some note cards. At the top of one card, put the first item on your list, and bullet point the item's explanations you did not cross out. Just be brief, you don't want to read a script, you just want a clear guide for your groom speech.

After this, you should have five note cards, each with an attribute you love about your new bride each with some bullet point explanations. Grab two more note cards. On the first, detail how you met your new bride and how you felt: be brief; be concise. This is your opener. On the other note card, write about your vision of your future together. This is your finale. Practice your groom speech a few times, maybe with your best man and all that is left is to deliver it at the reception.

Why Grooms Might Want To Go For Short Groom Speeches

Before we get to talk about short groom speeches, let me first explain in brief why groom speeches should ideally be short in length. When you think of wedding receptions, you think of food, and drinking. However, it is also a time for the family and loved one's to deliver a speech to the new couple. Along with the family and friends, the groom, and bride will also deliver a speech. Therefore, the wedding speech process may take a while. So it's a good idea to keep the wedding speeches short and sweet.

If you are the groom, rest assure that short groom speeches can still be wonderful and heart-warming. The groom is unexpected to deliver a sincere, moving, and unforgettable speech, and everyone will be focused on him. Therefore, you want to ensure you include everyone in the speech, but make it light and keep it as minimal as possible.

The groom usually follows the father of the bride, and this is a tough act to follow. For, he has probably left everyone teary eyed, and inspired, when talking about his daughter. However, he may have also delivered a somewhat boring speech, and didn't entertain the guests, This is your perfect opportunity, to show off, ands grab the guest's attention. Make the speech interesting from the opening line, hook the audience, from the very beginning.

Ideally short groom speeches are preferred, for, you will be following a list of people, and the guests are usually getting antsy by then. Your speech should not exceed five minutes, and that includes thanking everyone, complimenting your bride, and making a good impression on everyone in attendance, especially your new bride's family.

All can be achieved in that amount of time. Make your point from the beginning, throw some humor in there, add a few heart warming words, and before you know it, your speech is over and well delivered.

While giving groom speeches connect with guests from the minute you begin. Make frequent eye contact, and engage the guests as you speak. You want them to get a personal feel to it, and actually feel your emotion, as you deliver your speech. Don't be afraid to show emotion, this would actually be the best time to let it shine, and prove to everyone how happy you are on this day.

There are some subjects you want to stay away from while delivering your groom speech. For instance, you want to avoid talking about politics, religion, and never use vulgar language. Like mentioned above, keep the ages of the guests in mind while delivering your speech. Although thanking everyone is a must, it is also possible to thank someone too much. Try to only thank everyone one time each, for, the other guests might get offended that you didn't do the same for them. Remember, there are two families present her today, and they are competing for the attention. Therefore, avoid giving them anything to complain about. Keep your subject matters positive, and light, and give everyone a chance to enjoy it.

There are a lot of things to keep in mind while preparing your speech, that's why early preparation, is the key to a great groom speech.

Funny Groom Speeches - A Few Words of Advice

The day is finally here. It's a big day of your life and it is also time to give your groom speech. How about funny groom speeches ? Delivering a comical speech is appropriate, just don't go too far. I'm sure you have told the best man, and all your friend's in attendance how wonderful your personal conjugal life is. However, the children and especially your grandmother in attendance, don't need, and probably wouldn't appreciate hearing that. In addition to this, you won't want to bring up any ex-girlfriends you have had in the past, for, if you do. You won't have anything to tell your friends about anymore, and you can forget about the honeymoon. Therefore, to avoid that from happening, leave them subject matters out.

Since you have decided to go for funny groom speeches, telling jokes are alright, but remember, the bride is off bounds, at least for today, and so is the father of the bride. This day is for your new wife and family to honor and cherish you, and be glad they have welcomed you into the family. You don't want to insult them or offend them, on the first day you became a part of it.

Tell stories that the guests of all ages can appreciate. Add some humorous comments that are both funny, and emotional. This will relax the guests and keep them entertained. You want all the guests to have a good time, especially your new bride. Keep your groom speech sincere, and personal with just enough humor in it, to keep you relaxed and the guests entertained. You want the guests to be focused on you and your new bride at all times.

If you are feeling nervous, then take deep breath's, and try to relax. Use your hands during your speech if you have to, but do not put them in your pockets. Engage the audience, make them part of your speech. You want them to feel as if they can feel every word of what you are saying. When you are making a point, then take a few second pauses, to emphasize that point.

You don't want to be one of those guys who is remembered by his friends and family, who choked when he got up to speak. Remember to relax, and be yourself, if not, everyone will be able to tell. Your speech will come across as being robotic. Just think of all the times you and your new wife has spent together, and use that information.

When it comes to groom speeches, preparation is the key, always write your thoughts down ahead of time, so your not struggling with what to say, when the wedding day arrives. Within that time, little things are going to take place, memorable times, keep notes, and add them as you go. It will be well worth it, to see the love and happiness on your wife's face, and remember, don't go overboard with the humor. You and your friends might get a laugh about it later, but your new bride and her family will not appreciate it. Keeping these things in mind, I'm sure you know which boundaries, not to cross. Do yourself, your new wife, and everyone in attendance proud, by delivering that memorable and comical groom speech.

Top Six Groom Speech Ideas in Brief to Improve your Groom Speech

Groom speeches can be very boring because of their serious and formal tone, but there are ways to make a groom speech a little more fun. Here are ten groom speech ideas that will spice up your groom speech and make it as fun as possible.

One - Have a fun introduction

Two - Give the parents and members of the wedding party presents

Three - Make fun of the Best Man. And be prepared, he will certainly reciprocate.

Four - Tell your first impression of the bride and her first impression of you

Five - Share one of your favorite memories with the bride (maybe the engagement story ?)

Six - End with a famous quote or saying (or if you’re creative make one up)

When all else fails… read examples groom speeches. Example speeches are great at inspiring grooms for groom speech ideas. If you want to get a couple extra laughs in - or have revenge with the best man before he even gives his speech - reading groom speech examples may help you. There is nothing better but reading speeches and ideas from the guys that have already done it. They can tell you what works - and what doesn’t work. And make sure that you enjoy your speech while you deliver it - this is one of the main keys that will make your speech.


There is one thing I am hesitate of … as a groom you cannot make your groom speech purely funny. You must remember the purpose of your speech and not get off subject. As the groom you are in charge of thanking the guests, parents, wedding party, and other people who have helped bring the wedding day together. So please, do not get caught up in jokes, give these people the sincere thank you they deserve.

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