Groom Speech Etiquette

When it comes to groom speech it is of utmost importance that you are fully aware of the etiquettes related to it. I am talking about groom speech etiquette. You should write your groom speech following the proper groom speech etiquette. However, I will try keeping this short article restricted to groom speech etiquette only and rather not elaborate on wedding etiquette for the groom. Here are a few etiquettes that a groom should observe during his speech –

  • The bridegroom's speech almost always follows that of the bride's father.

  • The groom should cordially welcome all the guests to the wedding and thank them for being a part of the ceremony and reception.

  • In his speech the groom should thank everybody who lent a hand to arrange the wedding and contributed in one way or the other. This includes the groomsmen or the ushers.

  • Thank the bride's parents for giving him their daughter away. Similarly thank your parents for their love and support.

  • Introduce the bride, praise her and express your happiness.

  • Conclude your groom speech by proposing toast to the bridesmaids.

Best Groom Speeches

Best Groom Speeches are those which are thankful (literally), humorous and complete. Best groom speeches are also those which are delivered with utmost confidence. So what does it take to make your groom speech the best? The key to best groom speeches is how well you prepared for it (I have already told these a few hundred times in this blog). Preparation for a groom speech includes doing the necessary research, create an outline of the speech, get the speech written and last but not the least (in fact the most important of all) keep rehearsing the speech till the day before the big day. Practice makes a thing perfect and practice is also what that makes best groom speeches best.

Now, let’s elaborate on the key factors that work together to make your groom speech best –

Research – Go through groom speech resources that are available both online and offline. Watch videos and listen to audios that are related to groom speeches. You will get the idea.

Outline – Now that you have got the idea, try to create an outline or a draft speech based on the ideas you gathered and those that are your own (you should be having some now).

Write – Add words to your outline to create the final groom speech. Not a big deal if you go through at least some of the relevant posts in this groom speech blog.

Practice – Yes, practice. It’s crucial.

So, that’s almost everything you need to know about best groom speeches.

Groom Thank You Speech

The focus of every groom speech is to express gratitude to all those individuals or group of individuals by thanking them for the role they individually or collectively played to make the wedding ceremony as well as the wedding reception party successful. For this reason sometimes a groom speech is also referred to as Groom Thank You Speech.

I have seen grooms whose groom speech was nothing but a long list of people who they wanted to thank. But as far as you are concerned, you may or may not want to limit your speech to the so called ‘groom thank you speech’. I suggest you don’t limit your groom speech to a list of thank you’s. And it’s not that difficult to do. The other things that you need to do apart from thanking several individuals are as follows –
  • Add some humor in your speech by sharing a couple of funny stories involving you, the bride, the father of the bride, the best man etc.

  • Toasting a few people during the speech would be nice.

  • Give away the special wedding gifts you have for the special individuals like the best man and the groomsmen or the bridesmaids during the speech.

  • Express your love for your wife and don’t forget to praise the bridesmaids.

So, that’s it. Thant would surely make your groom thank you speech special. And as always put all your ideas on a piece of paper, write your speech down and rehearse it to make it perfect. All the best.

Groom Speech Format

As I am getting ready to write a few words on groom speech format I just remembered that my last post was on groom speech layout and there’s hardly any difference between the two. Though on second thought or when you think from another perspective there could be a technical difference between the two. While groom speech layout is essentially the initial draft of the eventual groom speech, groom speech format is the prescribed structure or template of a groom speech based on which the groom could compose his wedding speech. A groom speech format could be traditional or temporary and it depending on the style he wants his groom speech to be, the groom chooses the one that suits him best.

Now, let me give you a few tips on groom speech format, though it's not the first time that I am doing so - you will find that I have already written quite a lot on how to work with your groom speech here in this blog. But I don't mind repeating it again -

Greet the guests . . . . simply begin by thanking them. Let them know how happy you are to have them by your side.

This is a big day for you - what makes the day so special for you?

Now it's time to pull that long list of individuals who you want to thank personally - from the groomsmen to the caterers, from the father of the bride to his daughter - thank one and thank all. Propose toasts. A groom speech is all about paying gratitude to all who made the event possible.

Don't forget the both sets of parents - they deserve special mention.

Chip in with a few humorous anecdotes in between.

Did i mention that you should also praise the bride and bridesmaids and introduce the best man to the wedding guests.

So, that's almost a groom speech format for you. Should you like to try a collection of groom speech formats you may check this site.

Groom Speech Layout

A groom speech layout is nothing but the draft or blue print of the actual groom speech that a groom intends to give during his wedding reception. It is easy for the groom to become overwhelmed and find it extremely difficult to sit peacefully and write his groom speech, let alone the question of rehearsing it. But as a groom you know that you just can’t get away without giving your groom’s speech if it’s a tradition practiced by your family for ages. And neither you should since a groom speech is an excellent way to express your gratitude to all those who supported you and your bride not only for staging the wedding ceremony and reception but also being what you are today. Apart from them there are people like the wedding officiants, the ushers, the bridesmaids, the guests who travelled a long way just to part of your wedding – you definitely owe them a huge thank you. So, be positive in your approach and simply get started. And if anything could help you get started right now it’s the groom speech layout which, as I said earlier, is an outline of your original groom speech. You need to plan your speech and jot down the ideas that are buzzing in your mind already. If you are short of groom speech ideas take a look around and you would find several.

Wedding Speech Blog

Yahoo! Answers: Groom Speech related Questions

Groom Speech Resources