Groom Speech Lines You Can Use In Your Speech

When the groom makes a great speech at a rehearsal dinner or wedding reception, it can be a high point of the wedding day. There are several tricks to doing this well. First, groom speeches must strike a balance between being personal and loving and being too emotional or revealing. The speech needs to be organized and have some solid content. And the groom needs to remember the listeners - a good speech is a gift to them.

Here in this article I would like to share with you a few good groom speech lines (or comments or phrases ... whatever you might like to call them) that you can all use in your groom speeches. Wait a minute, remember to change them a bit to suit your personality and style. And by the way, I don't want all my readers ending up giving groom speeches that have exactly the same words and phrases discussed here. That would be quite funny.

Simply said the groom speech or toast needs a beginning, middle and end. The beginning needs to grab attention and set a tone. It can be a simple, summarizing statement, a joke, the promise of a story, an elegant statement of purpose or an engaging question. Examples include, "What a great joy to be here with one another," "What a surprise to be here this day," and "You have come to share this day with me and (name of bride) and my heart is (or ‘I am’) very, very thankful." If the content of the speech, or the theme of the wedding, uses a metaphor or famous tale, capitalize on that right from the start. Examples might be, "In this moment we are companions on the Yellow Brick Road," ("The Wizard of Oz") "I feel like a young Jedi Knight in the Throne Room scene," ("Star Wars, A New Hope") or, "Why are we here? Tradition!" ("Fiddler on the Roof"). The middle of the groom speech picks up from this beginning. Leaning on a famous story, like the examples above, can be very engaging: Be sure to be consistent with the story, though. In speaking about thanks, or joy, or surprise explain why in two or three points. Make any stories that are told in this middle section suitable for all listeners, and never embarrass anyone by being too off-color, rude, or revealing.

Groom speeches need to have a zippy ending. Make it flow from the content of the speech and use it to pay tribute to others. While the groom may pay particular tribute to the bride, friends and family, a salute to something everyone can connect with makes a fabulous concluding statement. The tone of this kind of conclusion is, "Thank you all so much for sending (name of bride) into our futures with your love. We salute all of you and assure you of our lasting love and friendship for years to come."

Well, I hope you have got some food for thought. Now it's time for you to work with your groom speech and make it really exceptional.

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