The Making of An Appropriate Groom Speech

Weddings are a big deal to almost everybody and when it comes to the art of writing wedding speeches, many people fall short of what's expected by family and friends. Generally, it's harder for men than it is for women to express their emotions clearly especially when addressing a gathering. A combination of social stigmas (men who show emotion are seen as 'feminine') and gender roles prevent many men from developing good emotional skills. So when it comes to writing a groom speech, many grooms may be at a loss.

The best man's speech, in comparison, is usually easier for men to write because it involves the groom's best man talking about all the good aspects of his best friend. The best man cracks a couple of jokes and talks about how good of a friend the groom has been to him over the years. But groom speeches need to be focused on why the groom wants to spend his life with the bride for the rest of his life. Why is the woman he is going to marry so different from the rest; why is she his soul mate?

One thing a groom speech should include is a story of how the bride and groom met. What was their first encounter? Paint a picture for the family and friends. The groom must re-live the moment with the bride, bring up the emotions they first felt. Groom speeches should also talk about some memorable moments the groom spent with his bride; what are some things that happened that made him fall more in love with the bride? The groom could even talk about his very first meeting with the bride's father - it's a good opportunity to add some humor to the speech, which is a key factor in making successful speeches.

People are good at emphasizing. The groom should not be afraid to show emotion. The groom speech should talk about some of the hardship the bride and groom went through. How did they help each other pull through the tough times? A little humor is good for a groom speech. The speech should throw some funny anecdotes. For example, what was it like when the two families first met? Did everyone get along? Were there any mishaps? The speech should share the good moments as well as the bad.

Some things that the groom could add are plans and dreams that they've made together. Where have they talked of going on vacation? Where would they like to live? Do they want to rent an apartment or buy a house? The groom's speech should focus on the good things that the newly married couple will accomplish together.

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