Groom Speech - 4 Tips For Writing Knockout Groom Speeches

When writing a groom speech , you want to make sure you touch on everything that should be brought up. It is your chance, as the groomsmen, you thank everyone and let them know how you feel. Because of that, here are four tips to writing a knockout wedding speech as the groom.

1. Do some research on Groom Speeches

Go online and find out what you should include in your speech. Reading content like this can help you learn what you should say and what you should avoid. While the best man speech is important, groom speeches come from the person that the wedding is about.

2. Write a draft of your Groom Speech first

After researching a little bit, write a couple of sentences that you want to say for each thing you want to touch on. You will want to thank everyone for attending, thank the parents on both sides, express how you feel about the bride, throw in a little humor with a joke or two, and end it with a toast. Make it quick and simple.

3. Polish up your Groom Speech

Once you have a draft completed, read it aloud to you and anybody else you feel comfortable reading it to. This will allow you to hear what needs to be changed or adjusted. You may ask one of your buddies what they think about your groom speech .

4. Rehearse the Groom Speech a few times
If you feel you have the final draft, make sure to rehearse from time to time. Groom speeches are an important part of the wedding. You do not want to have your head buried into a note card. While it is fine to have a card to look at, it has so much more of an affect if you can look at the crowd and the bride when giving your speech.

Still not sure ? Check out this great Groom Speech Guide

1 comment:

  1. Your confidence in your Groom speech will be boosted with some good solid rehearsal. When you rehearse your speech you become more familiar with its tone, content and structure. And with that familiarity comes confidence in your ability to deliver the speech.
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