My friend Andrew was getting married and asked me to help him prepare a smashing Groom Speech to be delivered on his wedding day.
While I was browsing through all kinds of wedding speech websites, I happened to stumble upon something very interesting. It was a blog from UK ( or it might be Australia or Canada - I don't exactly remember) about wedding speeches.
A young man of 26 is getting married very soon. and here is what he has to say -
“In about three weeks from now I'm going to get married and all of a sudden it dawned on me that I yet to even begun to think about my groom speech.
Having been invited to attend so many weddings, I do know most of what I have to deliver on that huge day. Thanking the bride's family, complimenting the bride, saying something like why I love her and then finally propose a toast to the maids of the bride and the best man I think present there. Not a big deal. But then again, why I'm getting nervous.
I'm far fro what you call to be a serious guy to be honest, so it might sound a bit weird me being serious for the whole speech. At the same time I can't make it sound funny altogether. You know, it just can’t be ignored any more. I need, I don’t know, may be a sample groom speech or some cool tips on how to deliver a perfect groom speech.
It's not that I'm not overly sweating it, but I can’t just stop worrying about it. It's always there at the back of my mind.”
Congratulations, if your are also getting married soon. Hope you are not in the same situation as our young friend above. If yes, you need to get prepared with your groom speech now. As simple as that. Practice will give you confidence and eventually help you deliver a perfect, memorable and great Groom Speech.
It's important what you deliver, but it's more important how you deliver. Groom Speeches are available for free all over the internet, loads of them actually. But it takes a lot more than that to make a impression, or should I say impact. The style, the approach and above all the attitude - that will make a difference.
Here's my two cents. Be original, be yourself, but also be sincere in your approach, and mean what you say. You can also be a little funny, it's perfectly alright but don't ever try over doing it. It is a special moment for both of you and your bride. It's also a very emotional moment for the bride's parents as they have to say good bye to their beloved daughter and going to miss her company of which they were so used to for so many years. And your parents know that you are a man who's entering a new life with new responsibilities. Please don't say anything that might hurt their feelings, or it may come back to haunt you in days to come.
And remember you have to pick the best man for the 'Best Man Speech'. It can get tricky sometimes. A good Groom Speech will automatically lead to a great Best Man's speech.
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